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Qi gong translated means ‘attaining skills working with the energy force of life’ 

This mind-body healing method that has been practiced with remarkable results in China for thousands of years.

Qi Gong is practised for its effectiveness in healing and preventing a variety of ailments, including those that could be life-threatening. However, in that case, used to aid severe conditions.

Qi is the vital energy which permeates all mammals through 12 main meridian channels.

Over the centuries, the Chinese discovered and developed their knowledge of these meridians to form healing arts which include acupuncture, acupressure, massage and qigong. Over the centuries they discovered and developed their knowledge of these meridians to form healing arts.

Using the mind, breath and movement, the qi is regulated to flow in a smoothly, naturally and balanced.

There are thousands of qigong exercises and styles, all tailored to suit individuals depending on their age, fitness or physical limitations. Tai Ji Quan is one of the best forms of qigong.

Gong is translated as ‘work’ or ‘benefits’ aquired through perseverance and patience. There are no quick miracle cures because years of misuse, neglect and stress have often taken their toll.

The class training concentrates on obtaining general fitness by practising a still posture, including correctly breathing. Tai Ji Quan is also a Qi Gong. Remember, this is also a fighting art; it would be unwise to be an unfit martial artist.