All martial art classes have a code of conduct, this is a traditional aspect which is an important part of any Martial Art school (xue) to acknowledge.
- Honour your Teacher
- Treat your fellow students as brother/sister and show respect for one another
- Always maintain humility, be considerate and kind to those less fortunate
- Approach learning with an empty cup
- Lead by example and always be courteous
- Trust your teachers judgement as long as they remain your teacher
- Remember that teachers are human and will make mistakes
- View criticism as opportunity to grow and never openly criticise your teacher
- Take pride in your school, your fellows, your self
- Two person training is an opportunity to discipline your ego
- Intimidation of others in training is low level
- Perseverance and tenacity is a sign of strength, never give up
- Cleanliness shows you honour yourself by example
- Do not be greedy for information and practice that which your teacher shows you
- Always address & introduce your teacher with their title as a sign of respect
- Bowing or saluting to your teacher and fellows is a sign of respect and gratitude
- Never debate the cost of instruction. Always pay on time
- Try not to be late for class or leave early without explanation
- Senior students are responsible for their juniors understanding of these ethics
- If it is within your power to save those less fortunate than yourself from abuse of any kind do so
- When going to study with other teachers first ask permission
- Ensure you pay other teachers honorably or give them some tribute, a red envelope is a traditional method of conveyance
- Never wear any symbol of rank to another school and bow when entering
- If studying with a guest teacher always open doors for them, address them with respect, pay for their meals etc.
- When eating with your seniors always allow them to start first, ensure their tea cup is always full, and allow them the seat of honour
- If in doubt defer to your teacher, let them guide you
- Clean up after your teacher or seniors as a sign of respect
- Don’t be afraid to let your teacher see your inner character, if you follow this code you will earn their respect
- Understand that other traditions may have additional points of etiquette for you to follow, as long as they generally agree with the above it will honour you to observe them
- Be honest and loyal to your teacher, your fellows, and your school